TERMINY 2024-2025

Friday, April 5, 2013

International Diakonia of Evangelization „The Precious Pearl“ Mt 13,46
Light-Live Movement

Horbach, 05.04.2013

We thank God for the grace for our community in the last past years. We would like to share with you our experience of evangelization and community life.

Our centre is situated in Carlsberg, Germany. We also have the house of prayer and community life in Horbach. The main aim is to make evangelization outreaches and retreats in different countries, but first of all in Belarus and Turkmenistan. In Belarus last year our community celebrated 20-years anniversary. In Turkmenistan for the first time we came together with Fr. Tom Forrest in november 2008. Till now we make their every year 15-day retreat in the summer and visit them to support in the winter.
We also make evangelization in Polnad, Germany, Ukraina, Irland. Every year in the summer we make 15-day international retreats in Turkmenistan, Belarus, Germany, Italy (Rome) and Spain (Barcelona). We have community in Germany, Poland, Belarus and Turkmenistan. In februar 2012 our community visited and spoke to us Albert Galea, it was beautiful meeting with man of God in the Holy Spirit.
Last two years our community has contacts with those who is struggling for trueth and justice in Belarus. We support political prisoners and their families, we participate in regular ecumenical prayers for Belarus. In the year 2011 we organized Evangelization Concert in Minsk in the central square. According to the words of Mary in Fatima that the Russia should be devoted to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and after many prayers for setting free Belarus from ,evel we decided to appeal to the bishops for devoting Belarus to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. We collected the signs of many believers, not only catholics, and as a result it will be Official Devotion in June in Budslaw (National Sanctuary) this year 2013! Praise the Lord!
We wrote also to the Pope Benedict XVI for his support and prayers and received the answer. The Apostolic Nuncio visited political prisoners and hand them prayers from the Pope! Please, pray for Belarus, because we would like to be free from the communistic system. The roots are so deep. But Jesus Christ has risen from the death and won the evel!
Julia Frolova
The pictures from our meetings and retreats you can see here: www.drogocennaperla.blogspot.com
Our address:
The precious Pearl Community
Light-Live Movement
Kreuzweg 28, 67316 Carlsberg, Germany
tel: 0049 6356 328, 0049 160 907 405 47
skype: ks.ireneusz.kopacz1

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